Our goal is to have 10,000 cups of coffee…
When you have your cup of coffee, send us the picture, any details of your meeting and your address (if you are an RVO Member we may have a little something for your efforts). We want to hear about your conversation. What did you learn? How do you plan to incorporate it into your plan? How did you help the person you met with?
Who do you want to connect with?
Always start to prepare for your “cup of coffee” by being intentional:
Sample Meeting Preparation:
Meeting Attendees: List the name(s), contact info (phone, email and company name) for each attendee.
Pre-meeting Goal: Always plan for the ideal outcome for both you and the person you are meeting with. However always be open to where the conversation may go and be willing to pivot if the conversation goes down another avenue.
Discussion Summary: During the meeting be sure to take notes on action items, connections that need to be made, follow up items and any way you can add value after the meeting.
Leverage Your Networking framework: If you are using the Design Your Exceptional Network template, add them to your Network or determine if there is a connection you can make for them.
Follow Up/ Next Steps: Always follow up by adding insight or a connection; leverage the RVO tools to add value!
Start your Coffee Plan…
We believe there are three was ways to deliver “value; financial value, intellectual value and relational value. The most critical element to creating a long-term sustainable relationship/connection is based on the “relational value” you can provide or you can develop over time. Therefore having access to the insight or a network that can provide someone or company with the knowledge they need to accelerate their growth or provide perspective to their plan or development is how you build relational value.
Goal 10,000 Cup Challenge but first, "10 People who have 10 Cups”
“Beta Group” - 10 Cups of Coffee Details: Cost $25 bucks per month / 8 week plan Sept 1st - October 30th
Once the “Beta Test” is completed, we will create our 100 Cups of Coffee Challenge for 2021 - 100 Members X 100 Cups = 10,000