What could WE accomplish with 10,000 cups of coffee!

Is it possible that 100 cups of coffee could change your entire life’s trajectory? We are out to prove that by having 100 cups of coffee in the next year will change how you look at life, the growth of your business and the trajectory of your professional career. If you commit to “My 100 Cups of Coffee” you will learn from others, experience life completely differently and grow in your professional life like never before.

Throughout our “My 100 Cups of Coffee” planning tool, we will provide you with everything you need to prepare for the meeting. You’ll learn how to set the meeting and what to bring to the meeting, You’ll also learn how to lead the conversation, learn during the conversation and added an immense amount of value to the conversation. We will also teach you how to respond after the meeting. Everything you need will be provided for you - you just need to commit to having 100 Cups of Coffee.

Howard Schultz (the founder of Starbucks as we know it today) came back from Milan with this “idea” of creating an environment like he witnessed first hand. People would sit down for a cup of coffee to share their story, their lives with one another, and exchange business ideas. Since, coffee shops across the globe have been the birthplaces of ideas, connections, and partnerships.

If you have had any success in life and in business, you understand the value of having access to a network of successful individuals, business owners, and industry leaders. Having a great network essentially provides you perspective, encouragement, and many times - access to a solution. Finding expert advice at a moments notice will save you time and money.

Great conversations have the following elements:

  1. Contemplative thinking, imagining what is possible.

  2. Creative planning and process driven next steps.

  3. Connection and personal engagement, genuine interest

  4. Continuity, knowing what to do next or who to connect with.

This is what “My 100 Cups of Coffee” will prepare you for!

When you’re surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment
around a common purpose, anything is possible - Howard Schultz