Who is it for?
Everyone is the short answer, after all the vast majority of us meet for coffee on a regular basis, however are the meetings intentional? We are not suggesting that everyone meeting leads to a “sales” or another person to add to your “network”. We mean intentional in the outcome, did you learn something that can help your life, business or career? Did you help someone in his or her life, business or career? Did you some how add value to our world during the conversation? A next step that can be attributed to what you learned, insight you can provide, something that helps both of your progress in life and in doing so, makes the world a better place. Whether you are a CEO, a business leader, salesman, human resource employee, manager or entry-level employee, your conversations matter if they result in progress. Be intentional, the connection of people and ideas come from having conversations over a cup of coffee. We have seen CEO’s use this to meet with every employee, salesmen to learn and gain influence and for managers to network their way to incredible employment opportunities. The Opportunities are endless, when you are intentional with your efforts.
How much does it cost?
Let’s do the math, 2 meetings for 48 weeks (we are going to give you 4 weeks off, Holidays etc..) X 2 cups of coffee per meeting that adds up to 96 cups of coffee. We will even assume that you will be buying both cups of coffee and assume coffee’s are on the more elaborate side of the options, a Latte for $3.65 plus tax X 2 = $7.88. Your total cost is $756. Would you invest $756 to learn, grow and take your life, business or career to an entirely different level? If you commit to this plan, your results will be nothing short of exceptional!
How does does it work?
Our 100 Cups Of Coffee Concept Is Simple, Just Follow These 3 Steps:
If you have had any success in life and in business, you understand the value of having access to a network of successful individuals, business owners and industry leaders. Having a great network essentially provides you perspective, encouragement and many times access to a solution. Finding expert advice at a moments notice will save you time and money. We encourage you to connect with our incredible and growing nationwide network via our exclusive, private Linked-In group.
First – Know what you want to accomplish, but be open to detours!
Reach out to people in your network or within the RVO Network if you are a member. Your goal is to identify the resources, solutions or connections you need to accomplish your goals, build on your IDEA, advance in your career and/or grow your business like never before. Know why you want to meet, however always be prepared to be a resource, connector or provider of insight as well!
Second – Set the meeting and be ready to engage
Start the conversation with something like:
If I had to say I was an expert on one thing it would be...
I am currently working on and/or I am looking for advice on...
If you connect with another RVO Member, include: I decided to use RVO for this purpose and I joined the RVO Network because.
If you meet with someone who is not an RVO member, leverage our tools to help him or her with their interests, endeavors and/or problems and introduce them to our network.
Third – Celebrate the meeting, what you learned and any next steps
Our goal is for the network to hit 10,000 cups of coffee by the end of 2016 – when you have your cup of coffee, send us the picture, any details of your meeting and your address (if you are an RVO Member we may have a little something for your efforts). We want to hear about your conversation. What did you learn? How do you plan to incorporate it into your plan? How did you help the person you met with?